What We Do:
Black Minds Publishing operates solely as the publisher for your artistic work. This means that we provide you with full book formatting and editing services as well as an ISBN number for printing and distribution through both digital and physical mediums. Black Minds Publishing is NOT a distributor meaning that we do not personally print physical copies of any artist's work. Distribution is handled by the online platform of the artist's choice (i.e. lulu, amazon, blurb, etc.) and the physical copies included in the publishing packages listed below are printed by a Philadelphia based printing company.

How To Publish With Us:
Submissions for Black Minds Publishing are open year-round. To submit click here, fill out the submission form with a copy of your manuscript attached and the intended publishing package you wish to purchase. Once submitted, our editors will respond to you within 2-4 weeks with notice of if your manuscript was accepted or not. Submission is completely free and if your manuscript is chosen, Black Minds Publishing relinquishes all rights to royalties.
Submission Guidelines:
Publication submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis.
Submissions can be literary and/or visual arts based.
Artistic works can only be submitted by writers and artists of the Black diaspora.
We are looking for raw unfiltered works that center the experiences and healing of people in the Black diaspora through honest and transparent writing and/or visuals.
Due to the small size of our work team we are currently unable to manage submissions that exceed 80 pages.
Publications must be submitted using the form mentioned in the previous section.